Stay Better Connected to The World with Wireless Hearing Aids

It’s not common this day and age for anyone to get through a day without a piece of electronic gadget in their possession. We are all using devices to connect with our fellow citizens or to do our everyday tasks.

Wireless technology allows us to communicate between several devices without using cables or wires. This is an important improvement in modern hearing aids technology that allows us to communicate with our world in ways that we might have never imagined possible with conventional hearing aids.

What is a Wireless Hearing Aid?

Wireless hearing aids use modern wireless technology to connect with one another and other devices like smartphones. This contrasts with the previous models of hearing aids which functioned in isolation and could not function as a unit. They also could not be connected to any other device. This led to poorer sound quality and the necessity for many accessories, including remote microphones. Most hearing aids on the market today have wireless capabilities, with top hearing aids usually offering the latest features.

Hearing aids can connect to smart devices

Wireless hearing aids enable us to connect to devices that use different technology, including TV and smartphones. Adjustments in the volume or changes in the program can be easily and conveniently applied through the hearing aids using an app installed on the user’s cell phone or remote device like a streamer.

The most frequently used wireless devices that permit this type of connectivity are telecoils, FM systems, and Bluetooth.
Telecoil and hearing loops

A Telecoil (also called a t-coil) is an electric wire coil and rod in a hearing aid that utilises electromagnetic fields. When the hearing aid is in the t-coil setting, the user can only hear the sound being transmitted by the hearing aid by its electromagnetic fields. This means that the hearing aid microphone cannot detect any background noises around the user.

T-coils are typically used in conjunction with phones to pick up a speaker’s voice through the phone and then send it straight to the hearing aid to boost. Wireless technology allows the audio to be amplified by both hearing aids, even when the phone can only be put up to one ear.

Another use for t-coils is in settings that utilise hearing loops, such as theatre or church. The loop device transmits the speech sound from the stage to the t-coil in the wearer’s hearing aids. The user is again benefiting by only hearing the intended sound, not the background surrounding noise. T-coils are activated by pressing a button or switching into the t-coil mode when wireless hearing aids detect themselves within those electromagnetic fields.

Frequency modulation (FM/DM) systems

FM systems and their digital equivalents, DM systems, allow the transmission of sounds from an external source directly into the hearing aid’s receiver.

The transmitter of the FM system receives the speech and transmits signals to the hearing receiver of the hearing aids via radio waves. Because the audio is directly transferred to your hearing aids, it is apparent that the speaker is directly in front of the person wearing it, resulting in better clarity and less background noise when listening.

The FM transmitter and receiver systems are portable and commonly employed in classroom settings, where the teacher’s voice is sent directly through the hearing aids of the student. They can also be utilised for business events, restaurant reservations, and even church.

Bluetooth is the most recent type of connectivity available in hearing aids. Bluetooth technology lets us wirelessly transmit signals directly from an electronic device into your hearing aid. Landline and cell phone calls, TV signals, and music signals can be transmitted through the electronic device to the hearing aids of the user.

There are two ways a wireless hearing aid can connect to Bluetooth technology:

Direct communication: This is the most recent technology specifically designed for smartphones that allow the direct transmission of audio to hearing aids without the use of a streaming device. With these wireless hearing aids, Bluetooth technology is built directly into the structure of the hearing aids, which eliminates the requirement for an additional accessory. Most iPhones, as well as a number of Android models, are now able to connect with hearing aids directly.

Streaming accessories: Depending on the brand and model of the wireless aids you use; certain models require an additional streamer accessory that can be worn comfortably around your neck and contains Bluetooth hardware. If users want access to a wireless device, such as a mobile phone or television, they can wear this streamer to connect the device with their invisible hearing aids digitally. As a result, the wireless hearing aids turn into your wireless headset. The sound gets clearer and crisper without delay in the transmission.

Benefits of wireless hearing aids

Wireless hearing aids and associated technology can significantly enhance the living quality of those with hearing impairment. The capability to directly transmit the speech signal from the source of the sound into wireless hearing aids allows for enhanced sound quality, improved accessibility, comfort, and easy connectivity to electronic devices that are not connected to the internet. Wireless hearing aids enable us to remain more connected to all the people surrounding us and keep pace with the ever-changing lifestyle.
To conclude

Now that you know all about the wireless hearing aid, it is time to find which one is ideal for you and what better place than Hearing Aid Specialists SA can help you best in your quest? Being the best hearing clinic Adelaide, we have all the necessary tools and services to help you hear better, including but not limited to hearing aid repairs, hearing assessments, and much more.