Ear Wax Removal

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Ear Wax

Talking about ear wax usually generates thoughts of ewwwwww and yuck!
But, did you know having ear wax is actually a perfectly healthy part of ears and in keeping your ears clean.

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What is ear wax?

Ear wax is made by tiny glands in the ear canal. The sticky nature of ear wax allows it to trap dirt and germs so they don’t get deeper into the ear where they might cause a problem such as an infection. Ear wax also contains dead skin cells that need to come out of the ears. Ear wax usually moves out of the ears gradually with the natural movement of your ear canal as you talk or chew taking the germs, dirt, and dead cells with it. You might occasionally notice ear wax coming out of your ear but often it will come out in the shower or when you are sleeping.
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When is earwax a problem?

Usually, ear wax is not a problem and is best left alone. Some ears naturally do a better job than others in shifting the wax out. Sometimes, if the ear canal is bendy or hairy, or the wax has become hard, you can get a build of earwax. This might be a problem if it completely blocks your ear canal, or if it interferes with the functionality of your hearing aids.

Sometimes the ear wax will need to be removed as part of a hearing assessment to get accurate results, or if we need to take a shape (impression) of your ears to have earplugs or a hearing aids made for you.

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Indications of earwax

  • Decreased hearing
  • A blocked or full sensation in your ear
  • Ear pain or itchiness
  • Tinnitus (ringing in the ear)
  • Dizziness

In terms of wax causing an issue with your hearing aid you might notice your hearing aid is not as effective as usual, or it might be prone to squealing (called feedback).

HASSA ear inspection

What to do about ear wax?

It is very important not to try and remove the earwax by poking anything down your ear canal. Cotton tips, pens, bobby pins, or anything of a similar nature should NOT be used to remove wax from your ears. When you poke these items down your ear canal your risk scratching your ear and causing an infection, or even worse, accidentally poking a hole in your eardrum. Similarly, ear candles should not be used to remove ear wax as they are not effective and risk serious injury to your ear.

If your ear is otherwise healthy (no infections, previous surgery or holes in your eardrums), you can soften the wax using wax softening drops. This may be enough to for the wax to shift itself. Sometimes though, the wax will need to be removed.

Removing ear wax

If the wax needs to be removed, we can do this for you at Hearing Aid Specialists SA. Our expert clinicians can remove it. While removing ear wax our clinicians use a special magnifying light which enables them to clearly see the ear and the position of the wax in your ear. This allows them to remove it safely. To remove the wax, the clinician may use a little tool with a loop on the end to simply scoop it out. Alternatively they may use a device to suction it out.

It will probably feel a weird having the ear wax removed and it can be uncomfortable. It is important that you stay still during the removal process and let your clinician know if you need a break.

So don’t be worried about having wax in your ears – it is perfectly normal. But if it is causing a problem it is best to let the experts remove it. Contact us for more information, to make an appointment and for pricing.

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